Game-related ramblings.

Tag: Playdead

Going Inside

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Inside is Danish developer Playdead’s follow-up to Limbo, which was released way back in 2010. I wrote about Limbo in the early days of this blog. Looking at that now, I see that I honored the stylized all-caps naming for that game, but I cannot bring myself to do so here, for Inside or Limbo. Sorry.

Inside has obvious similarities to Limbo. In both games, players control a small boy in a dangerous and creepy environment, presented through highly stylized art. Inside has evolved that artistic style, translating the visuals into a 3D, flat-shaded style that is predominantly — but unlike Limbo, not entirely — monochrome. The boy is also more realistically proportioned this time around, without the exaggerated large head from Limbo. But the art is similar enough to be recognizable, and in both games the boy begins in dark woods, with no explanation. Players can move left or right, jump, and perform context-sensitive interactions with the environment, and must use these simple controls to explore and survive.

Indie Time: LIMBO

Well, I successfully finished the Shivering Isles expansion pack for Oblivion (it’s good!), and I did it before Skyrim, the next installment of the series, is released. But an unintended side effect is that I now need a break from epic fantasy role-playing games, meaning I will hold off on starting Skyrim for a bit. Instead, I thought it was an ideal time to play through some of the indie games that I’ve been collecting, but haven’t had time to play yet. First up: LIMBO, from Danish developer Playdead.

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