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I wonder if the experience of playing with toys on a windowsill is a universal one. Windowsills hold a particular appeal for this purpose. The wide, shallow space evokes a stage, upon which any manner of drama or comedy can be enacted — or indeed, for those of the right age, a side-scrolling video game, offering action or calm exploration depending on one’s mood. And the window itself is (literally) a portal, through which the imagination can conjure anything.
But windowsills are hardly ubiquitous. Not all homes have windows with sills, especially when considering architecture of the non-Western persuasion, and of course there are many people who are not lucky enough to enjoy their own home at all. Would the idea of playing on a windowsill then be foreign? And what about members of the youngest generation, who are growing up in a world of smartphones and other electronic devices, for whom play may take a very different form? Would they still want to play with actual, physical toys, on a physical windowsill? Is there something innate in the windowsill’s appeal, that anyone would understand?
Windosill, by Vectorpark, is a game about playing with toys on windowsills.
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