I’ve been busy (read: not playing games), so I haven’t been posting very often. But this is important. Diligent readers will remember that the original freeware version of Spelunky is my absolute favorite roguelike-like (i.e. games that borrow elements from roguelike design and combine them with other gameplay styles). Creator Derek Yu then went on to make a spiffy HD version that spent some time as an Xbox exclusive. Especially diligent readers may remember that I posted about that release too, and even promised to let you all know when it would come out on PC. Well, now I am keeping that promise. The fancy new version of Spelunky is available on PC right now, from Steam or GOG. In addition to the fancy new graphics pictured above (I totally stole that comparison shot from the Spelunky website, but I don’t think they’ll mind), there are new enemies, items, multiplayer modes, and probably a bunch of other stuff I don’t know about. I haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but I will, and you should too.
If you’re undecided, the original version is still available for free and will give you a good sense of whether you want to buy the shiny new version. Happy spelunking!