Game-related ramblings.

Tag: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Even More Amalur: The Teeth Of Naros DLC

This is a post about an add-on for the game Kingdoms of Amalur: Recoking. You may wish to read the earlier post about the base game first, and indeed the piece about its first add-on. As always, you may click on images to view larger versions.

As I have said before, Kindoms of Amalur is too long. Yet, I still found myself enticed by its first piece of story DLC (that’s downloadable content for those not aware), The Legend of Dead Kel. Having come that far, I had to go all the way and also play the second and final bit of DLC, The Teeth of Naros. With undead pirates already covered in the first DLC, the premise for The Teeth of Naros is instead an expedition into the titular Teeth, which are unexplored lands to the south of the Fae forests of Dalentarth. Rumor has it they are filled with untold treasures. I was ready for a tale of frontiersmanship, establishing ourselves in a hostile wilderness, fighting off dangerous local fauna, and possibly a little commentary on colonialism as we imposed our will on some natives.

But it turns out that the expedition goes wrong almost immediately, and what The Teeth of Naros is actually about is a race of giant statue-people called the Kollossae, who are modeled after the ancient Greeks and who are struggling to finish construction of their flying city to appease their god and lift themselves out of their old, brutish ways and into civilized enlightenment. Huh.

Even More Amalur: The Legend Of Dead Kel DLC

This is a post about an add-on for the game Kingdoms of Amalur: Recoking. You may wish to read the earlier post about the base game first. As always, you may click on images to view larger versions.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Recokoning is, as everyone says, too long. Surely, the last thing we need is more of it? And yet, when I played it, I found it dragged the most in the middle sections of the game but then picked up towards the end, such that I was actually sad to see the finale. Against all odds, I wanted more.

Well, reader, there is more. Amalur received two pieces of DLC (that’s “downloadable content” for those who don’t know) before developers 38 Studios imploded in a storm of debts and litigation. Each provides a new self-contained area to explore with a new story to follow, new creatures to fight, and new things to do. The first, The Legend of Dead Kel, takes players to a mysterious island in search of the infamous undead pirate for which the DLC is named.

History Lessons: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Other History Lessons posts can be found here. As always, you may click on images to view larger versions.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is only seven years old, but I couldn’t help but compare it to its contemporaries and successors in the role-playing genre as I played. Hence, a History Lessons post. I actually bought the game when it was released, because reviews suggested it tried several interesting things, even if it didn’t qualify for classic status. Today, the game is more famous for the scandal that followed its release: developers 38 Studios, founded and run by retired star baseball pitcher Curt Schilling, infamously imploded a few months after the game came out, resulting in bankruptcy and a tangle of litigation related to loans from the state of Rhode Island. Stories of poor management and exorbitant spending (largely on perks for employees, at least) were everywhere at the time. But when THQ Nordic announced they had acquired the old 38 Stuiods IP (including Kingdoms of Amalur) in September 2018, the game was briefly back in the press spotlight, and a lot of people pointed out that the game itself was actually pretty good. That inspired me to finally give it a spin.

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