Game-related ramblings.

New Skyjacker Kickstarter Is Up

First I wrote about the Skyjacker demo, which reveals a rather slick space sim that’s already quite a ways along in development. Then I noted that the Kickstarter for the project was being rebooted. Well, now the new Kickstarter campaign is online, and the reward tiers make a lot more sense. If you are interested in flying some spaceships around and blowing things up, you should take a look. The demo is also still available so you can try it out before you decide about making a pledge. The developers warn that the demo is a work in progress, and that they will be adding better voiceovers, improved HUD and menus, additional flight models, and a lot of bugfixes for the final version.


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1 Comment

  1. Hey – Veav here from the Skyjacker front. Thanks for the writeup you did earlier, and for staying on top of the game!

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