The massive Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality may be over, but if you are looking for a way to support the critical issue of racial justice while also nabbing a bunch of good games, you should check out the Humble Fight For Racial Justice Bundle, which is running this week. 100% of proceeds go to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Race Forward, and The Bail Project, with donors deciding how their donation is split.
The minimum donation is $30, pricier than the Bundle was, but it features a selection of highly regarded games, including several that I’ve written about on this blog. If you are unsure why you might want to play Spelunky (I wrote about the original freeware version, but the spiffy newer version offered here is even better!), FTL (plus follow-up post), The Ball, System Shock, or Broken Age, just click those links to read my thoughts on them. There are many other excellent games in there that I’m planning to eventually play and write about, too. The bundle also features a bunch of comics and books in digital format, most dealing with Black Americans and ways we can help realize racial justice.
If you can’t afford to donate right now, or you’re simply looking for other ways to help, take a look here for some ideas on how to get started.
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